Not all life skills need to be learned firsthand. The Grown Up U: Facts for Success (GUU) podcast program focuses on the life skills needed for young adults to successfully navigate the decisions and pitfalls of “adulting” in the real world. The GUU Online Course brings together all 23 episodes of season one to form an easily navigable course for completion.

The GUU team of FCS (Family and Consumer Sciences) agents from across the state worked together to produce relevant and research-based podcasts to help young people access the facts they need to succeed. This series of podcasts utilize the latest in research-based advice on critical life skills needed to live independently in the program areas of Budgeting & Money Matters, College & Career, and Health & Wellness.

Students can access one or all the episodes by registering for the class. Completion is awarded after each episodes’ requirement are met or after all episode requirements have been met.